Basic Services
Hydration Treatment ......$20
Scalp Treatment .........$30
Deep Conditioning Treatment .......$30
Shampoo Finish ........$85
Up do .....$75
Cuts (add on service)
Trim ........$30
Hair cut ......$45
Signature Bob......$75
cellophane clear coat shine .......$45 add On Service
Color Root Retouch .........$100 and up
color match (per Bundle) .....$50 and up
Demi Permanent ......$75 and up
highlights ....$175 and up​
Single Process ...$120 and up
Double Process ....$200 and up
Partial .......110 and up
Touch-Up ......$125 and up
Virgin .....$150 and up
Weaves & Extensions
Take Down ..........$25
Braidless Sew In ........$185 and up
Microlinks (full head) .....$210 and up
Itip LINKS (Includes HAIR)........$800and up
ITIP 6 Weeks adjustment $150
itip 8 Weeks Adjustment $200
tip 10+Weeks Adjustment $300
Full Sew In .......$250 and up
partial Sew In .....$200 and up
New Talent Services
Hydration Treatment ......$15
Scalp Treatment ........$25
Deep Conditioning Treatment .....$25
Shampoo Finish .....$65
Up do ......$75
New Talent Cuts (add on service)
Hair cut .......$40
Trim .......$15
New Talent Color(add on service)
cellophane clear coat shine ......$15
Color Root Retouch .....$10 and up
color match (per Bundle) .......$25 and up
Demi Permanent ......$65 and up
highlights .........$100 and up​
Single Process ......$75 and up
Double Process ....$140 and up
New Talent Relaxers
Partial ........$75 and up
Touch-Up .....$70 and up
Virgin ......$90 and up
New Talent Weaves & Extensions
Take Down ........$15
partial Sew In ..........$150 and up
Full Sew In .........$185 and up